4 of the Most Common DMV Driving Test Mistakes

Many countries, including the United States and Canada, have distinct car cultures where having a car is often essential for modern life in cities and regions. However, to maintain road safety and minimize the risk of accidents and other problems, driver education is crucial. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), around 62% of drivers take a driver’s education course before getting a driver’s license. Additionally, in many jurisdictions, passing a DMV driver’s test is a prerequisite before you can hit the road.

By taking driver education classes, new drivers can significantly reduce the chances of failing these tests and getting into accidents or legal trouble. If you're new to driving, it's essential to study and prepare thoroughly before scheduling your test. Here are some of the most common mistakes made during driver tests.

1. Failing to Bring Required Paperwork

Many drivers make mistakes even before turning the ignition key. Typically, you will need to bring various documents to your driver's test, such as proof of insurance for the vehicle you're driving or proof of residence. Be sure to confirm the specific requirements with the testing authority to ensure you have all the necessary paperwork.

2. Neglecting Turn Signals

It's easy to overlook using turn signals, especially when you're nervous about the test. However, failing to use turn signals can lead to penalties and potential test failure. Developing a habit of consistently using turn signals whenever you turn or change lanes is essential.

3. Not Stopping Completely

Rolling through stop signs or incomplete turns is a common mistake. However, incomplete stops can result in tickets or failing your driving test. When you practice, ensure you consistently come to a complete stop before proceeding.

4. Neglecting Mirror Checks

Before you start driving, it's crucial to ensure that your mirrors are properly adjusted to provide a clear view of your surroundings. During the test, the examiner may assess your mirror usage and penalize you for improper use. Correctly using mirrors can help prevent accidents and incidents, so be vigilant about their use.

Enrolling in a driver education course before your driving test is a wise decision. If you're interested in improving your driving skills and increasing your chances of passing the test, please get in touch with Harper Driving School today.

Posted on September 25, 2023 .